Wilted Flowers


Akito turned to her dragon, her attention once again briefly drawn to him as he extended his hand. Reaching out, she took it and got to her feet. The focus on him was rather momentary, as thoughts about Kureno returned with Hatori’s next words. 

He was probably right; it wouldn’t be like Kureno to be gone for so long, and he was likely starting to wonder where she was– that is, if he hadn’t asked a maid for her whereabouts already. 

Fine. We can watch it back at the Estate,” Akito murmured, casting another glance at the lake. It must be beautiful to watch the sun set, especially if Hatori had wished to show her. She would have to get him to take her here again when the evenings weren’t so cold. 

Following her dragon back to the car that awaited them, she allowed him to open the door and let her get inside, her arms wrapped tightly around her legs as she hoisted them up in her seat. 

“…This was nice,” Akito finally allowed herself to admit. “I wasn’t aware that there were such places as this outside of the Estate.”


⊰ ♞ ⊱ —— The dragon slipped with ease into the driver’s seat, not at all surprised to find her hunched over and curled in on herself. There was a fleeting moment where he wished to chastise her and remind her that the proper car-etiquette and safety required her to sit up-right with her legs down, however, he thought it to be an argument not worth having. After all, Hatori was an excellent driver- particularly when precious cargo was on-board.

He let it go for now; deciding to revel in her appreciation for the secret little spot that he liked to escape to every so often. Nodding a bit, long fingers wrapped around the steering wheel, pulling the car out of the park and onto a nearby street. “The world outside the Estate is frightening, Akito, but it can be beautiful as well…”

Was that something she wanted to hear? The unease unsettled his stomach as the physician suddenly realized that perhaps speaking so highly of the realm outside of their little bubble may not have been the wisest of choices. A change of plans.

“Are you interested in traveling, Akito? Have you ever wanted to see more of the world?”


Wilted Flowers


It was true– Akito rarely went anywhere without Kureno… or let him go anywhere without her, for that matter. But he had needed to leave today, and she had honored that–although reluctantly

“He promised he wouldn’t leave.” Akito murmured, the worry creeping back and pricking at the corner of her mind. Kureno had promised to stay with her, just like the others. And yet… his uncursed state was troublesome. So far he had kept his word, so why wouldn’t he now? Why was she concerned that he wouldn’t come back?

…If he wasn’t back already. Akito had been gone for a long time with Hatori. There was a good chance that Kureno had already returned to the main house and was worrying about her. 

“Do you suppose he’s done with whatever he needed to do?” Akito asked, “I’m sure he can figure out that I’m with you.”


{} — "You are worried,“ Hatori noted, albeit a bit bitterly, as he stole another glance or two over in her general direction. Akito, though occasionally impassive when she wasn’t in a rage, was easy to read for the dragon. He’d spent countless hours by her side; they had been together since the very day of her birth. She was the one he was chosen to protect. His gift of memory suppression was for her, and her alone. Sensing the slight unease in her tone, and her brow furrowing just ever so slightly at the thought of the bird was all too clear for the dragon.

Sighing softly, he rose to his feet. Heels pressed together tightly, he held out his hand towards her, waiting for her to lace her fingers with his and allow him to lead them back to his black Cadillac. There was no use in vying for her attention now, not when it was so clearly once again focused on the only one she’d been able to keep caged. Even Hatori had his freedom; she may fuss, but he could come and go as he pleased. It wasn’t that Kureno lacked the same ability- it was his lack of conviction that kept him planted by her side.

Well, that, and a nasty case of Stockholm Syndrome, but that was hardly Hatori’s business. The rooster was free to do as he wanted. He wanted to stay by her.

"Kureno is fine, I am sure of it, Akito. However, the sun is beginning to set. I had hoped to watch the sun set on the lake with you, but such is a luxury we may save for another time. It will grow a bit more chilly soon. Come. We can head back now.” I’ve enjoyed my time with you today… The words were resting just on the tip of his tongue, but those were the very words he found himself unable to say. Mayhaps another time. “Let us go.”


👍 Honestly just so many of them. Your portrayal of Hatori is INCREDIBLE. When I first found your headcanon blog I was just so in love with it and everything you would post was spot on and so well written and I just ;-; It was so absolutely Hatori. And then we started roleplaying and you capture who he is SO WELL. He has so many different sides to him that you portray perfectly and just wow.

Send 👍 if you like my character portrayal; please say why.

MY BAE. God, you were my first RP partner. We started on email and slowly moved to Tumblr; honestly, you are incredible with both Shigure and Akito, and your headcanons are always literally mind-blowing and so accurate it hurts. I am just SO THANKFUL I met you, because we’re both always on the same page with the canon material and our talks are always the absolute best. You’re also adorable and such an amazing cosplayer- I honestly just admire you so much. ;_; Can we thread forever? Because we need to thread forever. 


“I’ve never seen so many kittens in one place.”



{} — “Hm,” Hatori nodded in confirmation, agreeing with the little God. After going by the local bookstore he often liked to peruse in his free time, on his way back into the estate, Hatori drove past a cardboard box. It was open, and entirely peculiar. There was no reason for an open package to be near the gates of the estate, they always had their mail delivered internally. He quickly parked his car and got out to investigate. 

Sure enough, someone had left a box of nine or so kittens just sitting on the side of the road. There were so many, of all colors and sizes. Hatori was softy at heart; he simply couldn’t leave them there. They needed food, water, and perhaps there were enough families on the outside of the estate looking to adopt a new family pet. If anyone knew enough damned family members to adopt an entire box of homeless kittens, it was Hatori and his ridiculously expansive family. Just another thing the Sohma clan was good for.

However, first things first, he needed to report to Akito. Setting the box down in front of her, he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Here. I found them on my way home. I… I couldn’t leave them there. I suppose at least a few of them will be adopted by the families we have living on the estate, don’t you agree?” 

“I’ve never seen so many kittens in one place.”

“Hm,” Hatori nodded, turning and glancing down at her. Slowly, the realization sunk in and he couldn’t help the small smile threatening to appear across his lips. He’d be a fool to not notice. “Akito? Do you perhaps… Want to keep one?”


Wilted Flowers


Feeling Hatori relax, the incident with the flower was
nearly forgotten. It wasn’t often that Akito got to spend time outside at all,
and she hoped to at least enjoy some of it while it lasted.

However she was already starting to tire (although she
wouldn’t admit it). The trip off the Estate and around the park was more than
she was used to, and although nice… it was exhausting. 

Resting comfortably on her dragon’s shoulder, the little God
hummed in agreement. “I was planning to. I’m sure he would love to hear about
it. I’ll tell him when he returns.”


{} — Hatori breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the little God go limp and lean against him comfortably; these were the moments he cherished with Akito. It brought to mind the years of their childhood, when Akito would begged to be picked up, or tug on his pant leg to get his attention. The way she’d toddle around behind Shigure, sucking her thumb… Those were memories Hatori held very near and dear to his heart.

This was just a painful reminder of everything that had gone wrong.

The corners of his mouth turned downwards as she began talking about Kureno. The dragon was still unable to pin-point the exact reasoning hearing about the hidden sparrow bothered him so, but perhaps that was an answer he’d never receive. It was to remain a mystery. 

“Yes, I’m sure he will. I’m sure he’s very worried about you, it isn’t often you leave… Certainly not without him in tow.”


Wilted Flowers


Her hand hovered over the
flowers, pausing, as her dragon
spoke. She shouldn’t pick them, he was saying. They could visit the flowers… but
she couldn’t have them. Akito frowned at the petals between her fingers, a part
of her wanting to tear it from the ground anyway—just to spite him.


But she didn’t.

Sighing, she pulled away,
leaning into his touch. “We will come here whenever I want,” She grumbled, “If
you’ll do that, I’ll leave it alone.” Letting the flowers thrive as opposed to
picking them and making them suffer… that hardly mattered much to her. But she
would oblige him. The flowers were beautiful here; she’d leave them be.

After all, if he promised to
take her back here, it would mean more time spent with her. She won both ways,
really. Adjusting herself so that she could lean her head on his shoulder,
Akito glanced back out toward the lake, fixing her attention on something other
than the flowers.


{} — Hatori’s breath had hitched in his throat as her fingers wrapped around the flower, and he knew what she was about to do. Pluck it, and take away the life and freedom that flower had to grow. However, suddenly… Surprisingly, she hadn’t.

The flower remained in-tact. It was allowed to grow.

A small smile ghosted across his lips, but only for a fleeting moment. He quickly glanced away and back down towards his lap, not wanting to show Akito just how pleased he was that she had left the flower alone. 

“We will come here whenever you want,” Hatori repeated back to her, nodding a bit. Feeling her rest her head on his shoulder, Hatori was able to relax a bit himself and leaned back against the bench. “It’s nice here, Akito. Very peaceful. I believe Kureno would like it here as well. He will be very interested in hearing about your adventures off the estate.”


Wilted Flowers


Akito nodded, eyes trained on the lake. She could feel Hatori’s
quick glances at her, “We can see it. It’s nice.” Once she knew that he was
settled down beside her, she leaned back as well. She was enjoying herself
today—Hatori had done nothing to irritate her terribly much, and she even got
to go outside. The weather had been exceptional thus far, and it pleased her.

But she didn’t feel the need to tell Hatori this. She was sure
her dragon already knew.

The little God listened as Hatori spoke up about the weather,
his thoughts similar to her own. “I’m fine,” she sighed, brushing off his
concern. She wasn’t sure how long her good health would last, however. She
wouldn’t be surprised if she were to fall ill again soon. But for now, Hatori’s
concerns seemed unnecessary to her.


Wanting to get a better look at the flowers, Akito leaned toward
them. “These ones are pretty,” she pointed out, admiring them.


{} — Hatori exhaled, letting out a breath of air he’d hardly noticed he was holding. When Akito bent down to admire the blooms, he tensed up a bit, but remained frozen in place. “Yes, they are beautiful, Akito.” Like her. Even despite the chill in the air, the flowers bloomed each year over and over again, in an endless cycle. Once it would die, it would wither up and lay dormant until next Spring.

In a way, Akito was like the flowers. Yes, a flower suited her nicely.

He reached over, very gently touching her leg. “It is beautiful, Akito, but you mustn’t pluck it. The flower will die if you take it home with us. We must leave it here, and we can come visit it any time you’d like,” Hatori explained gently, being very hesitant and choosing his words wisely. “I would be more than happy to bring you back here, whenever you’d like to visit, but we cannot disturb the nature here. It’s much better to admire it from a far and let it thrive, rather than plucking it and taking away it’s freedom to grow, watching it suffer. 

…Do you understand?”


Wilted Flowers



Having a pond would be nice—something
else she could admire or sit by if the weather permitted. She could wait the
week or so for it to be built.

Turning, Akito glanced back at the
benches (in particular, the one near the flowers). To her relief, there were
still not many people there. “Fine,” Akito agreed, “We can sit down now.”


The little God glanced up at
Hatori, gesturing to the bench she wanted. “The ones over there are good
enough.” She informed him, reaching out. She would at least allow Hatori to
take her over to the benches.  With any
luck, she would still be able to see the lake from where they planned to sit.
It would be perfect.


{} — Hatori took her arm gingerly, as if he were handling a fragile, porcelain doll. Leading her over towards the clearing where the benches sat, he couldn’t help but smile a bit to himself. He’d spotted the flowers from afar, even with his spotty eye-sight. It was no secret that Akito enjoyed greenery, and flowers in particular. Of course she’d want to sit by the blooms.

Reaching the bench took no time at all, and thankfully, it was still relatively clear of outsiders. They could find a bit of peace here together, so long as Akito permitted such a thing.

He settled down onto the bench next to her once he was positive she was alright, and he leaned back while folding his hands in his lap. “We can still see the lake from here, Akito,” Hatori murmured quietly to her, stealing a quick glance in her direction. “The weather is nicer than I had anticipated it being. I’m glad. I was worried about your health and seasonal allergies.”
